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Centerway Steel's Commitment to Sustainable Development and Environmental Excellence “Firmly establish and practice the concept that green mountains are golden mountains, and plan for development at the height of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.” Centerway Steel actively take action to “innovation” as a breakthrough, “quality” as the overall goal, and continue to promote carbon reduction, emission reduction, energy saving and other environmental protection and governance measures, writing the sky is more blue and the mountains are greener, high-quality and efficient development of the iron and steel answer sheet. Particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide emissions of three pollutants reduced year by year, steel slag and other resources to achieve comprehensive utilization, the formation of an annual reduction of carbon dioxide emissions of 700,000 tons of carbon reduction capacity; February 2024, the converter process energy consumption completed -34.7 kg standard coal / ton, to reach the industry benchmark level, self-power generation rate of 75% in May, among the industry's leading echelons... ..Centerway Steel has produced an eye-catching report card in the field of “green”. In the past few years, Centerway Steel has carried out comprehensive and in-depth management of environmental protection, and completed the new cartridge dust collector in the iron outlet yard, the gas pressure equalization and dissipation recovery project, the slag steam abatement project, and the iron outlet yard closure and lighting project, which reduces particulate emissions by more than 660 tons per year. Clock hand dial back to 2019, that year, many places issued “industrial pollution deep governance battle program”, 2020, “industrial enterprises key industries air pollution deep governance implementation program” and a series of normative documents introduced ...... At that time, Centerway Steel is suffering from environmental protection and production restrictions, which also strengthens the Tiantie take the green low-carbon The road of green low-carbon determination and confidence. Because, whether it is to achieve sustainable development, or to do corporate social responsibility, to enhance the level of environmental protection, take the road of green transformation and upgrading is the only way.

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Dirección /No.246 Shidai Yangguang Blvd, Yuhua District, Changsha, Hunan, China

CP /410007

Población /changsha

Teléfono /13142372543

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